Monday, October 22, 2007

MSDJ Episode 3:'s Official PodCast

So here we are! Episode 3: We had a great collection of songs this time around. We started out with one of my favorite artists, but completely forgot to mention who it was!!! So that everyone knows, the first track was BUD MELVIN - The New New Real Real Folk Blues.

In Episode 2 we said we where going to have a special guest this week, but unfortunately our schedules didn't match up in time for this episode. But fear not, for we do plan to have this special guest in Ep. 4! Stay tuned!

With Halloween just around the corner, we would love to see your costumes!! Send us emails with pictures of you in your costume and will post them in the show notes of episode 4!
OBE was kind enough to send us a "radio ID spot", and we would love to hear more!
Sorry for the botching of the track title OBE.. my French isn't that great! ;)

Kittenrock has a bunch of "re" releases up as well as an amazing new compo entitled: PornoChip. Also Just released: GoTo8O's - Unlimited Edition. Check out for more info!

Syphus has started up a thread compilation of 8 bit 80's covers...Definitely head over to to read more about it and to hear what has been uploaded so far!

Also started up online is an IRC Chat channel! Channel "#8bc". If you are unfamiliar with IRC please google it and read up! We are usually on every day, and look forward to chatting with you live!

WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! Please drop us an email with any news that you feel MSDJ listeners should know! Perhaps a show? A CD/MP3 album release? A meet up perhaps.!? Just drop us an email at:
We also wouldn't mind hearing from you literally! If you would like to send a brief mp3 message to us telling us that you love the show, or hate it! Perhaps a "radio spot" (i.e.: "This is *insert name here*, and you're listening to MSDJ!" Or something along those lines) message, or instead of emailing us text email, send us an audio message! It Just might make it onto the show!

0:13 Bud Melvin - The New NEw Real Real Folk Blues
4:43 Goferboy - Fickle Pulse
10:46 Local Drug Store - UFO
14:02 I Am Your Distruction - The Interstellar Medium
17:11 Spamtron - Eric Dude Squadron
20:31 Skoshu - Spastic Roach
22:38 !Oven Rake! - World Will Travel, So Quickly
27:02 Boy Vs. Bacteria - Space Peach Friend
29:30 Daisy - Watch Out!
31:44 OverThruster - Dead_Rabbits_Apocalypse
34:45 Random - Spontaneous Devotion
39:17 dotdUmmy - Love on the TGV
41:05 OBE - Piece de The
46:03 Jonathan Baken - Planet Wings-2

thanks to all the artists uploading tracks on and for keeping things interesting! Take care and we'll see you next time!

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